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Why whole person health benefits is top of mind for HR leaders in 2024 

Oct 10, 2023

In the dynamic realm of modern workplaces, HR leaders are the architects of creating thriving work cultures. In this blog, we’re highlighting why whole family benefits are top of mind for HR leaders. Drawing inspiration from our recent attendance of the EBN: Benefits at Work conference, we’re exploring one of the top initiatives shaping the HR benefits landscape: whole person health.

What is whole person health?

Whole person health is a still-emerging concept for many organizations. The idea of serving “the whole person” represents a profound transformation in our perception of holistic well-being, now encompassing physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Some of these benefits include pet insurance & telehealth, mental health services, and support for caregivers. During the EBN: Benefits at Work conference, a gathering of over 200 HR professionals across leading organizations like Calm, Hilton, and NerdWallet addressed the whole person as an overarching theme throughout dozens of presentations. In fact, there was an entire session dedicated to it: “Whole Person” Health: How Culture, Healthcare & Benefits Work Together to Build Well-Being.

During this year’s conference, the discussion frequently centered on the importance of businesses, regardless of their size, prioritizing benefits that cater to the overall well-being of their employees.This emphasis on whole person solutions that are both relevant and personalized is pivotal as HR leaders begin to plan for the year ahead. It’s a paradigm shift that underscores the growing recognition of the whole person in the benefits landscape and is reshaping the strategy of employee benefits towards a more holistic and nuanced approach to workforce support.

HR leaders recognize investing in employee well-being is key to employee satisfaction, engagement and overall productivity and sustainability.

The importance of creating inclusive whole person health benefits 

As we approach 2024, the imperative for HR leaders to prioritize tailoring benefits to meet diverse needs becomes more important than ever. Today’s workforce encompasses varied preferences, life stages, and unique circumstances. Customizing benefits not only acknowledges this diversity but positions organizations as empathetic and forward-thinking.

This sentiment was echoed time and again by HR leaders like Lysa Sanchez, US-West Region Talent Leader, EY and Dominique Schroeder, Benefits Program Manager, Guild. The two discussed the importance of creating inclusive offerings during the conference with an emphasis on understanding how important it is to tailor company benefits to appeal to diverse demographic groups.

Take for instance, the rising popularity and adoption of pet benefits to employers of all sizes and industries. This year, myriad articles have underscored the transformative impact of embracing a pet-friendly workplace. From bolstering employee well-being to elevating the overall employee experience and increasing retention rates, the evidence is compelling. It’s no longer a surprise that pet benefits are swiftly transitioning from a desirable perk to an essential component of modern family benefits packages.

Pet benefits are recognized as integral offerings that contribute to the well-being of the whole person, not mere perks. That’s because 95% of working pet parents consider their pet to be part of their family. And the physical and emotional benefits of pet ownership have been proven to have a positive impact on employees. The shift towards a holistic approach to employee benefits mirrors a broader understanding of well-being—one that extends beyond traditional health programs to embrace the multifaceted needs of the workforce

In recognizing the importance of inclusivity within employee benefits, it’s possible for HR leaders to start creating strategies geared towards promoting robust engagement and nurturing a vibrant organizational culture. 


As the workplace landscape continues to shift and the understanding of employee well-being evolves, prioritizing whole family health is not merely a trend but a strategic necessity in 2024 and beyond. Embracing inclusivity, promoting engagement, and tailoring benefits to meet diverse needs are not isolated initiatives but interconnected threads that weave a robust fabric of a supportive work environment. The significance of such an approach extends far beyond the fourth quarter—it lays the foundation for resilient, satisfied, and thriving teams into the future.