Our story

We know pet care better
than anyone.

Save your workforce time and money on avoidable pet care costs, reducing absenteeism and increasing productivity.
From one proudly obsessed pet parent to another
— we know what it means to truly care for pets.
That’s why we created Airvet.
Left: Brandon, Airvet founder, with Carlos
Right: Dr. Jeff, Chief Veterinary Officer with Denzel
Our origins

Founded by world-
renowned veterinarian and his pet-obsessed son

Brandon Werber grew up in a pet paradise.
His father, Dr. Jeff Werber, had 10-15 animals
in the house at any given time and was
available to help diagnose any issues the
family pets had.

However, one day Brandon's French bulldog,
Carlos, ate a toxic plant and became gravely
ill. With Dr. Jeff unreachable and the local
clinics fully booked, panic set in, Brandon did
what themajority of worried pet owners
would do — rush to an emergency vet clinic to
get Carlos treated.

Thankfully, Carlos was fine, but the costly and
stressful experience highlighted the need for
every pet parent to have the peace of mind
that comes with on-demand access to high
quality, and personalized pet care.

The power of pets is proven.
The benefits of owning a pet saves
$22.7B in healthcare costs annually.
Dog owners have alower risk of
than non-dog owners.
Pet ownership is linked to cardiovascular
. CVD is the leading cause of
death in the U.S.


We’re passionate about our pets.
And yours, too.

We investigate every little lump, bump, or
odd behavior. We think it’s normal to think
and talk about our pets constantly, and check
the pet cam when we’re awayfrom home.
Our pets are our family, and their happiness
is our happiness.

We believe

Taking care of your employees’ pets
is part of taking care of your
Health concerns should be answered
, not over the course of a
“sick day.”
Proactive, consistent care can
eliminate and prevent chronic issues
before they develop.

In the News

Pet Care

Pet Care

A California pet parent's user experience with pet telemedicine using Airvet

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Introducing French and Spanish telehealth on Airvet

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Airvet Stories

Airvet Stories

Meet the vets behind Airvet: Dr. Kimberly Juhlin

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Creating the pet care that pet parents have always wished for.

We’re doting pet parents passionate about making pet parenthood — and adequate care — accessible and affordable for all families. And, no, you don’t need to have a pet to work here (but most of us do!).